004 Graines d'étoiles saison 1 épisode 6
  • Description

    The pupils of the 1st division will spend their last year at the school before the final exam that will determine their entry into professional life. By now, they have acquired a maturity and a way of thinking that should have made artists of them.

    This sixth chapter will also come full circle by critically highlighting the questions and professions of faith revealed by the pupils six years their junior, in the first film.

    A coproduction ARTE France, SCHUCH Productions, the Paris Opera and NHK
    With the support of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée, the PROCIREP - Société des Producteurs and of the ANGOA

    Director: Françoise Marie
    © SCHUCH Productions – ARTE France – Opéra national de Paris – 2012


  • Director

    Françoise Marie