Julia, a priestess in the Temple of Vesta, is torn between her religious duties and her love for the Roman general Licinius. This is the crux of La Vestale, Gaspare Spontini’s opera, written at the beginning of the First Empire.
Dedicated to Josephine and multiplying political allusions to Napoleon, the work was a triumph from its first performance at the Paris Opera in 1807. Admired by Berlioz, the score features brilliant orchestration and a sustained lyrical vocal style that heralds grand opera while remaining true to the legacy of Gluck.
After remaining absent from the Paris Opera for almost 150 years, the return of this work in its original French version is an eagerly awaited event. Stage director Lydia Steier explores the themes of religious extremism and militaristic zeal: can love have any hope of surviving between these two ruthless extremes?
The Paris Opera Orchestra and Chorus
Julia: Vestal, priestess in the temple of the goddess Vesta
Licinius: Roman general, Julia’s lover
Cinna: Army commander, friend of Licinius
The Sovereign Pontiff: High priest of Vesta
The Great Vestal: Head priestess of the vestals
Chief of the aruspices: Soothsayer priest
A Consul: Roman magistrateDescription
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Music Libretto Étienne de Jouy
Conductor Director Set design Costume design Chorus master
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