ABDERAM_7 Masterclass Raymonda POP Jean Guizerix
  • Description

    This series offers a glimpse into the rehearsals of iconic passages from the third act of the ballet Raymonda, revived for the Paris Opera Ballet School production (season 22/23).

    Part 2 (2 episodes) - Abderam's variation: rehearsals led by Étoile dancer Jean Guizerix, with young dancers Benjamin Adnet, Matéo Gouze, Micah Levine and Clément Rataud. Interview with Jean Guizerix.

    Part 1 (2 episodes) - Raymonda's variation : Élisabeth Platel, Director of the Ballet School and Étoile dancer, guides young dancers Tosca Auba, Lilas Parra and Lisa Petit in interpreting Raymonda's famous variation (Act III).

    Passing on a legacy... In an interview, Élisabeth Platel sheds light on the genesis of the ballet Raymonda, in which she performed the title role in 1983, when Rudolf Nureyev restaged the ballet for the Paris Opera shortly after being officially appointed as Director of Dance.

    Part 3 (3 episodes) - Jean de Brienne's variation: rehearsals led by Étoile dancer Charles Jude, with young dancers Edouard Wormser, Léon Rambaud and Corentin Dournes. Interview with Charles Jude.

    In an interview, Élisabeth Platel, Jean Guizerix and Charles Jude recall their memories from the ballet's creation in 1983, and the rehearsal work with Rudolf Nureyev. Available in June 2024.

    Opéra national de Paris - 2024




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