Who has never dreamed of eternal youth? In The Makropulos Case, the celebrated singer Emilia Marty is 337 years old yet appears 30 thanks to a life-extending elixir.As the effects of the potion begin to wane, the diva is desperate to obtain the formula that will allow her to retain her dazzling youth.
Thus begins a race against time, the fatal outcome of which is death. At the crossroads between science fiction and philosophical debate, Czech composer Leoš Janáček's penultimate opera is an incredibly modern work.
Created in 1926, the score is astonishing for its mastery of the sung word, its harsh rhythms and intense expressivity. Conjuring up Hollywood mythology, be it Marilyn Monroe, King Kong or Gloria Swanson, director Krzysztof Warlikowski delivers a profound reflection on time and immortality.
With the Paris Opera Orchestra and ChorusUne Production Opéra national de Paris avec le soutien de la Fondation Orange, Mécène des retransmissions audiovisuelles de l’Opéra national de Paris et Le Cercle audiovisuel et numérique
Extraits vidéo : Images Marylin Monroe © Film images
King Kong réalisé par Merian C. Cooper et Ernest B. Schoedsack © Warner Bros Entertainment - Droits réservés
Sunset Boulevard/Boulevard du crépuscule réalisé par Billy Wilder © Paramount - Droits réservésRéalisatrice : Mathilde Jobbé-Duval
© Opéra national de Paris - 2023
Visuel : © Bernd Uhlig / OnP
Emilia Marty: Famous diva
Albert Gregor: Grandson of Ferdinand Gregor, supposed heir to Baron Prus
Dr Kolenaty: Gregor’s lawyer
Vitek: Clerk to the lawyer Koletany
Krista: Daughter of Vitek
Jaroslav Prus: Descendant of Baron Prus
Janek: Son of Jaroslav Prus
Hauk-Šendorf: A senile count and former lover of Eugenia MontezDescription
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Libretto Music Conductor Chorus master Director Set design and Costume design Lighting design Video Dramaturgy
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