2012-13-ECTRI-008 D'Ores et déjà - Photo S. Mathé - OnP - Mention obligatoire
  • Description

    Echoing the Tercentenary of the French Dance School, the Paris Opera Ballet School’s performance combines tradition and modernity, allowing the students to master the existing repertoire while opening up new worlds to them.

    Soir de fête by Léo Staats, is seen as a true display of French choreographic style. Set to different excerpts from Léo Delibes, this ballet requires from the dancers musical skills, a lightness in the arms positions, a precise leg work and a virtuosic speed.

    D’Ores et déjà by Béatrice Massin and Nicolas Paul, created for the Paris Opera Ballet School at the occasion of the Tercentenary, combines baroque and contemporary languages to a score by Jean-Philippe Rameau, when Aunis, by Jacques Garnier, shows the folklore’s impact on classical dance.

    The Paris Opera Ballet
    With the students of the Paris Opera Ballet School
    Orchestre des Lauréats du Conservatoire national supérieur de musique de Paris

    A co-production of Opéra de Paris Production and ARTE France
    François Roussillon et Associés
    With the support of the Orange Foundation, patron of the Paris Opera's audiovisual broadcasts, and the Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée.

    Director: François Roussillon
    © Opéra de Paris Production - ARTE France - François Roussillon et Associés - 2013

    Picture:  © Sébastien Mathé / OnP


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